How Virtual Reality is going to Revolutionise Online Gaming

VR could change the way we play games online in the future

For the longest time Virtual Reality was something you only saw in science fiction. These days, however, Virtual Reality is an actual reality and the future is already here. When you put on a VR headset, such as the Oculus Rift or Playstation VR, you’ll quickly feel as though you’re a part of that game world. Actually being in the game instead of just playing it gives players the chance to be fully immersed in the gaming experience, providing a completely different perspective. In this article, we ponder the question of whether or not Virtual Reality is set to revolutionise the world of online gaming, or if it’s just another overpriced gimmick.

Virtual Reality – a game changer

VR is usually characterised by a headset or eyewear that allows the wearer to see a 3D virtual space in which they can interact. The advantages that this technology brings to the world of online gaming are obvious, and it didn’t take long for the videogame industry to realise the potential this new cutting edge technology could have in creating an entirely new way to experience videogames. Playstation released their VR headset in 2016 and it was met with positive reviews. Even Nintendo have branched out into the world of VR, with the launch of their Labo VR kit in April 2019.

Wearing a Virtual Reality headset puts you in the game character’s shoes, giving you a more immersive and personal experience. Thanks to VR, we’re no longer confined to staring at our TV screens and moving our thumbs to control our character. And, while the hyper realistic graphics found in many of today’s first person shooters might still look mesmerising on a 4K resolution screen, VR is the best way to be truly immersed in the game.

Admittedly, technology has had a slow climb. Despite huge advancements in VR headsets in recent years, the technology hasn’t received the widespread popularity that it was expected to. Even though VR headsets have become much more widely available and affordable, to the average consumer virtual reality is still nothing more than a fun novelty. But, we’re hoping the tide will shift as Virtual Reality games continue to get better and better.

Virtual Reality Online Casinos allow players from all over the world to play and interact with each other in a way that’s never been possible, until now

Virtual Reality Casinos

Another way that this technology could potentially change the way we play games online can be seen with the introduction of Virtual Reality online casinos, which are focused on delivering a much more social and interactive experience to players.

Online Casinos have never been more popular than they are today, but one of the biggest complaints among players is that they don’t offer the glamour and excitement found in traditional land based casinos. Now, thanks to innovations in the 21st century, VR has helped recreate that casino atmosphere. It’s not surprising then to see how quickly the iGaming industry adopted this new cutting edge technology and integrated it into online casinos. PokerStars launched their VR game last year and, as part of their new global partnership with UFC, have unveiled future plans for more UFC branded games, including a VR PokerStars UFC edition.

Online VR Casinos simulate a casino environment using fully immersive 3D technology, which gives players a feeling like they’re walking into a real life casino room. The player can walk around, browse different game machines, speak with other players using in-game chat features and even order virtual food and drink. It’s not just about the games being played, as VR Casinos continue to focus on delivering a much more social and interactive experience.

Other possibilities for VR

As a usable tech, Virtual Reality technology has many practical applications beyond just videogames. VR can also be used as a valuable tool for learning and could potentially reshape the way people teach in the future. Virtual Reality simulations can be used to train students in particular skills without putting them at risk or making them uncomfortable. It can also aid in learning new languages and help retain knowledge by forging a meaningful connection between the wearer and their simulated environment.

In summary…

Virtual Reality technology is still in its infancy but, from everything that we’ve seen so far from the technology, the possibilities seem endless and we can’t wait to see how the gaming world will adapt to the new technology in the coming years. Only time will tell if this innovative technology will truly take off.

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